ImageMagick Examples --
Color Modifications
- Index
ImageMagick Examples Preface and Index
Converting Color to Gray-Scale
Image Level Adjustments
- Negating Images (reversing black and white)
- Level Adjustment Operator (contrast and black/white adjustment)
- Reversed Level Adjustments (de-contrasting)
- Gamma Level Adjustment (mid-tone adjustments)
- Gamma Operator Adjustment (gamma without level adjustments)
- Level Adjustments by Color (adjust image levels using colors)
- Sigmoidal Non-linearity Contrast (non-linear contrast adjustment)
- Miscellaneous Contrast Adjustments
Adjustments Using Histogram Modification
(changing the histogram an image)
- Linear Histogram Stretching
- Normalize (auto-level stretching)
- Contrast Stretch (controlled stretching)
- Linear-Stretch (alternative stretching)
- Histogram Redistribution
- Equalize (uniform histogram redistribution)
- Gaussian Redistribution
- Histogram Redistribution Methodology
DIY Level Adjustments
(general tinting operators)
Tinting Midtones of Images
(general tinting operators)
Global Color Modifiers
Recoloring Images with Lookup Tables
", I use to create it.
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WARNING: The color processes below generally assumes the image is using a linear colorspace. Most images are however saved using a sRGB or Gamma corrected colorspace, as such to get things right colorspace correction should also applied first. |
Converting Color to Gray-Scale
Gray scale images can be very useful for many uses, such as, furthering the processing of the original image or for use in background compositions. The best method of converting an image to gray-scale is to just ask IM to magick the image into a gray-scale Color Space representation for the image. Note how the blue is much darker than the red, due the weighting to match the intensity as they seem to appear to the human eye. That is, 'red
' is quite a bright color compared to 'blue
' which looks darker.
This is equivelent to the use of the 'rec709luma ' conversion formula with the dedicated "-grayscale " operator (Added IM v6.8.3-10).
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' value is just one of many greyscaling formula that has been defined for use by the "-intensity
" setting (see below).
Here for example is the other common greyscaling formula 'rec601luma '
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However there a many other methods, and meanings of 'gray-scale'...
For example, you can drain all the color out of the image by using the Modulate Operator, to set all color saturation levels to zero.
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' value from that colorspace. However using a "-define modulate:colorspace
" you can specify other colorspace models to use. See Modulate in Other Colorspaces below. Note how the IM 'green
' color I used for the center colored disk in my test image is not actually a pure green, such as used in the colored rainbow, but the half-bright green defined by the new SVG -- Scalable Vector Graphics standard. If you need a pure RGB green you can use the color 'lime
' instead. See Color Name Conflicts for more detail.
Another way is to use the FX DIY operator to average the three channels together to get a pure mathematical meaning of gray-scale.
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The average of sRGB channel values also equivelent to the intensity channel of 'OHTA ' colorspace (red channel). Or the 'I' channel of HSI. colorspace. |
You can use the same adding channels technique to control the weighting of the individual color channels. For example this is one DIY formula that you can use...
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You can also use 'intensity' if you want the same meaning within the "-fx " operator.
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However as the FX DIY operator is interpreted, it can run very very slowly. For more complex operations you can use the simpler Evaluate Operator, "-evaluate ". For example, here is a 2/5/3 ratio gray-scaled image, though again I make no attempt to preserve the transparency channel of the original image.
-recolor " color matrix operator, which will let you specify the weighting of the three color channels.
A much more interesting technique is to extract a variety of different meanings of brightness by extracting the appropriate Color Channel from various Colorspace representations of the image. Examples see Grayscale Channels from Colorspace Representations. Image Level AdjustmentsThe most basic form of adjustment you can make to images are known as 'level' adjustments. This basically means taking the individual RGB color values (or even the alpha channel values) and adjusting them so as to either stretch or compress those values. As only channel values are being adjusted, they are best demonstrated on a gray-scale image, rather than a color image. However if you adjust all the color channels of an image by the same amount you can use them with color images, for the purposes of either enhancing, or adjusting the image. Do not confuse this with the more automatic form of level adjustments, which we will look at in the next major section of examples below, Normalize Adjustments. This function will do exactly the same operation regardless of the actual content of the image. It does not matter if the image is bright, or dark, or has a blue, or yellow tint. The operations are blind to the actual image content.![]() gnuplot " graph such as shown to the right, which I generate using a special script "im_graph ". The graph has a red line which maps the given original 'x' value (representing the gray-scale value of the top most gradient) to the 'y' value shown. The resulting color gradient is also shown underneath the input linear gradient. The graph shown to right is of the IM "-noop " operator which actually does nothing to an image. As such each of the image's color values are just mapped to exactly the same value without change. The lower gradient is thus the same as the upper gradient.
Image NegationThe simplest and most basic global level adjustment you can make is to negate the image, using the "-negate " image operator. Essentially this makes white, black, and black, white, , adjusting all the colors to match. That is, it will make the color red, its complementary color of cyan, and blue, yellow, etc. You can see this with the mapping graph shown below, as I use the "-negate " operator on both the 'test' image and the standard IM 'rose' built-in image. Note how the lower gradient in the mapping graph image is now reversed, so that black and white are swapped, and the same reversal appearing in the negated 'test' image.
Internally negate is actually rather stupid. It handles the three color channels independently, and by default ignores the alpha channel. If this was not the case, you would get a very silly result like this...
The image is negated, as you can see by the semi-transparent color gradient. But as the transparency channel has also been negated you loose all the opaque colors in the image. This is why the default setting for "-channel " is 'RGB '. See Color Channels for more information. You can limit the negation to just one channel, say the green color channel. This may not seem very useful, but at times it is vitality important.
The "-negate " operator is actually its own inverse. Doing two negations with the same "-channel " setting cancels each other out.
Negation is extremely common in image processing, particularly when dealing with gray-scale images as a step before or after other processing options. As such I recommend you play with it and keep it in mind whenever you are doing anything, as working with negated images can solve some otherwise difficult problems.
Direct Level AdjustmentsThe "-level " operator is the more general level adjustment operator. You basically give it two values a 'black_point' and a 'white_point', as well as an optional third value (gamma adjustment), which I will look at later. What it does is map any color values in the image that is equal to or less than the 'black_point', and make them black (or a 0 value). Similarly, any color values that are equal to or brighter that the 'white_point' will make them white (or a Maximum value). The colors in between these two points are then 'stretched' linearly to fill the complete range of values. The effect of this is to improve the contrast, enhancing the colors within an image. For example, here is a 25% contrast enhancement of our test image, using the same values as shown by the graph. As you commonly adjust both the black and white points by the same amount from the 0% and 100% amounts, you can just specify the 'black_point' only. The white point will be adjusted by the same amount inward.
Note that 25% is a huge contrast enhancement for any image, but it clearly shows what it does. You don't have to change both the 'black' and 'white' points. Instead it is quite permissible to just adjust only one end of the color range. For example we can make a very light, or a very dark rose image.
However I again warn you that the colors outside the given range are 'clipped' or 'burned', and as such will no longer be available for later image processing. This is the biggest problem with using a "-level " operator.
This method of de-contrasting an image however is very inaccurate and not recommended, unless you have an IM older than version 6.4.2 where you don't have access to the new Reversed Level Operator. ![]() -level " operator to negate an image (as previously shown above, just by swapping the 'black' and 'white' point values given, using "-level 100%,0 ".
![]() -level " to threshold an image is exactly the same as if you used a Threshold Operator with that value. The mapping graph shown right, shows the results of a "-level 50%,50% " operation, and its effect on a grayscale gradient.
Note that unlike " -threshold " the image is not automatically converted to a grayscale image when used with the default "-channel " setting. The general nature of using level to linearly modify an image, makes the "-level " operator good for general gray-scale image modifications, and mask adjustments. Add the fact that you can modify individual channels (using the "-channel " setting) as opposed to the whole image, makes it one of the best color modification operators available to IM users.
Reversed Level Adjustments -- Decontrasting ImagesAs of IM version 6.4.2 the Level Operator was expanded to provide a 'reversed' form "+level " (note the 'plus'). Alternatively you can use the original "-level " form of the operator but add a '! ' to the level argument given (for older API interfaces). The arguments for this variant is exactly the same, but instead of stretching the values so as to map the 'black_point' and 'white_point' to 'black' and 'white', it maps 'black' and 'white' to the given points. In other words "+level " is the exact reverse of "-level ". For example, here we map 'black' to a 25% gray, and white to 75% gray, effectively de-contrasting the image in a very exact way, using the two methods of specifying the 'reversed' form.
If you compare the above "+level 25% " operation with the use of an a negative de-contrasting, "-level -25% " operator we showed previously, you will see that are not the same. The 'plus' version produces a much stronger de-contrasted image (it is greyer), but does so by mapping to the exact values you give the operator, and not the 'imaginary' values the 'minus' form used. This exact value usage is important, and one of the reasons why the 'plus' form of the operator was added. Of course a '25% ' is again a very large value, and it is not recommended for use with typical image work. Note that the "-level " and "+level ", are in actual fact the exact reverse of each other when given the same argument. That is, one maps values to the range extremes, while the other maps from the range extremes. For example, here we compress the colors of the test image using "+level ", then decompress them again using "-level ", so as to restore the image close to its original appearance.
The two images appear to be very very similar, and as I am using a high quality 'Q16' version of IM, you will be hard pressed to notice any difference at all. However the values may not be exactly the same, as you have effectively compressed the color values of the image to a smaller range of integers, and then restored them again. In extreme cases this can result in Quantum Rounding Effects. Doing these two operations in the opposite order (stretch, then compress the color values) will produce Quantum Clipping Effects. One other useful aspect of the "+level " operator is that you can completely compress all the color values in an image to the same gray-scale level.
By specifying levels according to the values of specific colors for each individual channel, you can effectively magick a greyscale gradient into a specific color gradient. However this is rather difficult to calculate and do. As such a "-level-colors " operator has also been provided that will let you specify the black and white points in terms of specific colors rather than 'level' values. See Level by Color below.
Level Gamma AdjustmentsBoth the above "-level " variants also allow you to use a third setting. The 'gamma' adjustment value. By default this is set to a value of 1.0 ', which does not do any sort of mid-tone adjustment of the resulting image, producing a pure linear mapping of the values from the old image to the new image. However by making this value larger, you will curve the resulting line so as to brighten the image, while shrinking that value will darken the image. For example, here I use just the 'gamma' setting to brighten and darken just the mid-tones of the image.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 1.0 will make no 'gamma' changes to the image. However the special value of '2.0 ' (see above) can be used to get the square root of the images normalized color. Both versions of the "-level " operate handles 'gamma' in the same way. This means you can combine the level adjustment of the 'black' and 'white' ends with a non-linear 'gamma' adjustment. You can also only adjust a single channel of an image. For example, here we give an image a subtle tint at the black end of just the blue channel, while using gamma to preserve the mid-tone color levels of the image.
This specific example could be used to tint a weather satellite photo, where only the sea is pure black, while land is more grey. Other alternatives to this blue channel adjustment are given below in DIY Mathematical Non-linear Adjustments.
Gamma Operation AdjustmentsThe "-gamma " operator is also provided, and has exactly the same effect as the 'gamma' setting in the "-level " operator. However it will let you adjust the 'gamma' adjustment level for each individual channel as well. Its real use is in adjusting the 'gamma' function of an image before performing linear operations on them. For more details see Human Color Perception and Gamma Correction. We can also use this function to brighten the image differently for each individual RGB channel.
-evaluate POW 2.2 " will actually do a "-gamma 0.45455 " (0.45455 is equal it 1/2.2) operation, which is the reverse of a "-gamma 2.2 ".One of the less obvious uses of " -gamma " is to zero out specific image channels (see Zeroing Color Channels). Or color an image completely 'black', 'white' or some other primary color (see Primary Colored Canvases).
Level Adjustment by ColorThe "-level-colors " operator was added to IM v6.2.4-1. Essentially, it is exactly the same as the Level Operator we discussed above, but with the value for each channel specified as a color value. That is, the "-level-colors " option will map the given colors to 'black' and 'white' and stretching all the other colors between them linearly. This effectively removes the range of colors given from the image. And while this works, it is not particularly useful, as it is prone to fail for colors that have common values in some channel. For example, the colors 'DodgerBlue ' and 'White ' have the same color values in the blue channel. As such, "-level-colors DodgerBlue,White " may not always magick those colors to black and white. The better technique in that case is to extract a greyscale image of the channel with the highest differences (such as red) and level or normalize that channel. WARNING: watch out for 'transparent' colors.The plus form of the operator " +level-colors " on the other hand is extremely useful as it will map the 'black' and 'white' color to the given values compressing all the other colors linearly to fit the two colors you give. For example lets map 'black ' and 'white ' to 'green ', and 'gold '...
As you can see the grayscale gradient is remapped into a gradient bound by the colors given, and although colors outside a gray-scale range are also modified, they will also follow the basic style of the color range specified. This makes the "+level-colors " operator an extremely useful one, especially when mapping grayscale images. If you only supply one colorname but include a comma, the missing color will default either to 'black ' or 'white ' as appropriate.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() If you only specify a single color, without any 'comma' separator, that color will be used for both black and white points. That means all the colors in the image will be reset to that one color. (according to the current " -channel " setting limitations).
-fill DodgerBlue -colorize 100% " to Colorize Images (see below). If you want to set the images transparency setting as well you will need to set "-channel " to include the transparency channel, OR set the Alpha Channel to fully-opaque, using either "-alpha opaque " or "-alpha off ".
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() +level-colors " is a gradient color replacement, a linear tinting operator, and can also completely reset colors.
Sigmoidal Non-linearity ContrastFrom a PDF paper on 'Fundamentals of Image Processing' (page 44) they present an alternative to using a linear contrast control (level), with one using gamma correction known as 'sigmoidal non-linearity contrast control'. The result is a non-linear, smooth contrast change (a 'Sigmoidal Function' in mathematical terms) over the whole color range, preserving the white and black colors, much better for photo color adjustments. The exact formula from the paper is very complex, and even has a mistake, but essentially requires with two adjustment values. A threshold level for the contrast function to center on (typically centered at '50% '), and a contrast factor ('10 ' being very high, and '0.5 ' very low).
-fx " implementation of the above formula, resulting from a very high contrast value of '10 ' and a '50% ' threshold value. These values have been rolled into the floating point constants, to speed up the function.
10 ' was a very heavy contrast factor. In fact anything higher than this value can be considered to be more like a fuzzy threshold operation, rather than a contrast enhancement. For a practical example of using this operator see the advanced "Gel" Effects Example, where it is used to sharpen the bright area being added to a shaped area color.
Miscellaneous Contrast Operators![]() ![]() -contrast and +contrast Rather useless minor contrast adjustment operator -threshold Threshold the image, any value less than or equal to the given value is set to 0 and anything greater is set to the maximum value. Note that like level, this is a channel operator, but if the default 'channel setting' is used only the gray-scale intensity of the image is thresholded producing a black and white image. magick rose: -threshold 45% x: You can force normal channel behaviour, where each channel is thresholded individually buy using "-channel All" magick rose: -channel All -threshold 45% x: -black-threshold -white-threshold This is like -threshold except that only one side of the threshold value is actually modified. For example, here anything that is darker than 30% is set to black. magick rose: -black-threshold 30% x: magick rose: -white-threshold 50% x: These operators however do not seem to be channel effected, so may only be suitable for gray-scale images! Adjustments Using Histogram ModificationThis section was a joint effort by Fred Weinhaus and Anthony Thyssen. What is a histogram? A histogram is a special type of graph. It simply sorts the color levels of the pixels in an image into a fixed number of 'bins' each of which span some small range of values. As such each bin contains a count of the number of color levels (pixel values) in the image that fall into that range. The result is a representation of how the color values that make up an image are distributed, from black at the left, to white at at the right.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() -contrast , is a simple Level type operator that adds just a little more contrast to the image. the result of this is that the histogram itself is spread out more, causing it to cover the whole of the possible color range better. You can also see from the histograms, before and after, that the colors will also end up with gaps and holes between the 'bins', due to the way in which the stretching was performed. Specifically it creates a 'histogram' with all the colors being places into 'bin'. These 'binned' colors are then modified as a whole, causing the image colors to be grouped together. It is not a particularly good way of handling image colors. This operator however works blindly, without any knowledge of the image content or color distribution. It thus cannot be done without some user control, as the operator could very easily make any image it is applied to, worse, rather than better. In this section we will look at image processing operators that examine the image's histogram as part of its decision making process. It then modifies images using the result this study, so as to enhance some quality of the image color distribution. As these operators make use of actual information coming from the image being processed, they can often be used more globally over many images with much checking by the user. Operators of this type include automatic linear 'level' type operators such as "-normalize ", "-contrast-stretch ", and "-linear-stretch ", but also non-linear ones such as "-equalize ", and others that may eventually be included into ImageMagick such as Fred Weinhaus's script, "redist".
Histogram StretchingThe simplest techniques, like the previous example simply stretch the histogram of the image outward to improve the color range. However instead of just blindly picking the black-point and white-point for Level operation, they select points based on the images histogram. Basically they count up the number of color values in each histogram bin, from each of the two ends, inward until they reach some threshold. These points will then be used as the black-point and white-point for the histogram (level) stretching. Diagram neededBasically the histogram counts provide the graylevel values that the stretch will force to black and white. This means that all pixels in the image that fall within the range of bins from pure black to the selected black-point bin's corresponding graylevel will end up pure black. Likewise those pixels in the image that fall within the range of bins from from pure white to the white-point bin's corresponding graylevel will end up pure white. The pixels that are outside these points however will have been stretched outside the possible color range of values, and as a result they will be simply be set to the range limits. That is, these pixels are 'clipped' 'burned-in' as they are converted to the extreme of pure black or pure white color values. As a result if the 'threshold' limits for selecting the black-point and white-point is set too high, you will get lots of black and white areas in the image, with the resulting histogram having large counts (tall bars) at the extreme end bins. Example of severe burn-in -- Chinese Chess Image? Summary of 'stretch' operators... -contrast-stretch, and -linear-stretch all generate a histogram (using 1024 bins) to determine the color position to stretch. as such it is not 'exact'. The other difference is how 'zero' is handled, and that -linear-stretch actually does a -level operation to do the stretch, while -contrast-stretch uses histogram bin values for color replacement stretching (which introduces a 1024 quantum rounding effect. -normalize uses -contrast-stretch internally. A mathematically perfect normalization stretching operator is -auto-level. While a perfect 'white-point only' or 'black-point only' version is posible it has not been implemented at this time.Auto-Level - perfect mathematical normalizationThe "-auto-level " finds the largest and smalled values in the image to use to stretch the image to the full Quantum Range. At no time will values become 'clipped' or 'burned' as a result of the histogram being stretch beyond the value range. The "-channel " setting will determine if all channels are stretch equally 'in sync' (using the maximum and minimum over all channels) or separatally (each individual channel as a separate entity). At this time the hidden color of fully-transparent pixels, are also used in determining the levels, which can cause some problems when transparency is involved. This is regarded as a bug.
FUTURE: We actually need three modes of operation... synced color channels with 'alpha' (and 'read') masking. synced channels (as defined by channel) (current default) individual separate channels (currently if -channel is set by user)It is a pure-mathematical histogram stretch just as the manual Level Operator is. That is, the minimum will be adjusted to zero and maximum to Quantum range, and a linear equation is used to adjust all other values in the image. It does not use 'histogram bins' or any other 'grouping of values' that other methods may use for either determining the levels to be used, or other histogram adjustments. NormalizeThe "-normalize " operator is the simplest of these three operators. It simply expands the grayscale histogram so that it occupies the full dynamic range of gray values, while clipping or burning 2% on the low (black) end and 1% on the on the high (white) end of the histogram. That is, 2% of the darkest grays in the image will become black and 1% of the lightest grays will become white. This is not a large loss in most images, and the overall result is that the contrast (intensity range) of the image will be automatically maximized. An idealized diagram is needed here!Example using chinese chess?Here we create a gray-scale gradient, and expand it to the full black and white range.
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-normalize " worked purely as a grayscale operator. That is, each of the red, green, blue, and alpha channels were expanded independently of each other according to the "-channel " setting. As of IM version 6.2.5-5, if only the default "+channel " setting is given, then "-normalize " will tie together all the color channels, and normalizes them all by the same amount. This ensures that pixel colors within the image are not shifted. However, it also means that you may not get a pure white or black color pixel. For example, here we added some extra colors (a blue to navy gradient) to our normalization test image.
![]() ![]() ![]() -normalize " maximized all the channels together so one channel has a zero value, and another channel has a maximum value. That is, no black pixels were generated, as all the added blue colors already contain 'zero' values in the 'red' and 'green' channels. As such the lower bounds of the image did not expand.
red ' and 'green ' channels were lightened, while the 'blue ' channel is only darkened slightly. This brings use to an important point
Normalise and other Histogram operators are really grayscale operators, In actual fact, "caution is needed when using it with color images. -normalize " is just a subset of the more general "-contrast-stretch " with default values for black-point 2% and white-point=1%. So what is "-contrast-stretch "?
contrast-stretchThe "-contrast-stretch " operator (added IM v6.2.6) is similar to "-normalize ", except it allows the user to specify the number of pixels that will be clipped or burned-in. That is, it provides you with some control over its selection of the 'black-point' and 'white-point' it will use for the histogram stretching. Thus the user specifies a count (or percent counts) of the darkest grays in the image become black and the count of the lightest greys to become white. For example, this will replace both the top and bottom 15% of colors with their extremes (white and black), stretching the rest of the 70% of colors appropriately. The final result is to try to improve the overall contrast of the image.
You can also easily see the 'burn' and 'clip' effects at the top and bottom of the above gradient, as those gray colors get stretched well beyond the limits of the color range.
-threshold-black ") One important aspect of "-contrast-stretch " is the use of zero for the black-point and white-point threshold counts. In this case, "-contast-stretch 0 ", will locate the minimum and maximum bins in the image's histogram. Since the counts actually begins at these bins, the result is simply to stretch the min and max bins to full black and full white. This will result in a contrast stretch with a minimum or possibly zero amount of clipping, with all the values in those 'bins' becoming 0 and maximum values.
Histogram RedistributionHistogram redistribution is a non-linear technique that redistributes the bins in a histogram in order to achieve some particular shape. The two most common shapes are uniform (flat) and Gaussian (bell-shaped), although Hyperbolic and Rayleigh are other types of distributions have also been used.Equalize - Uniform Histogram RedistributionFor the case of an uniform distribution, the histogram bins are shifted, spaced and combined so that on average the histogram has a flat or constant height across the whole range. This is called histogram equalization. The IM function, "-equalize ", does this. Unfortunately, it operates on each channel separately, rather than applying the same operation to all channels. As such, color shifts are possible, when it is applied to RGB colorspace. Here is an example of histogram equalization using the IM function -equalize. Notice the color balance shift from the equalization on each channel independently.
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() -equalize " operator. Specifically, all the colors are preserved, without the color shift you saw previously. What the script does is work on the grayscale histogram, which it then applies to all the color channels, so that all the colors are kept together. For comparison with the IM "-equalize " histograms, lets show the grayscale histogram results here, too. Note that the redistributed histogram appears to be a bit more leveled out (flat, or uniform) than that of IM equalize.
![]() ![]() ![]() Gaussian RedistributionEqualizing a histogram is not the only way of changing the histogram distribution of an image. Actually it isn't normally very useful, except in computer vision applications. Here is the same image, but transformed so its histogram has a Gaussian (bell-shaped) distribution. The values used here are a 60% gray mean, with a 60 sigma roll-off to either side of that mean.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Histogram Redistribution MethodologySo how does this type of direct histogram adjustment work? Basically it computes the histogram of the current image and that of the desired distribution. It then works out how the graylevel value of each 'bin' needs to be changed so that the counts in the bins best follow the desired distribution. Some bins may be shifted darker, while others may be shifted lighter. This is actually quite an involved process, so lets go though it step by step.First, we need to get the actual histogram data from ImageMagick, rather than a graphic image of the histogram. Note that the data is from all the color values, combined into a grayscale. This was done so as to distribute all the channels together, and adjust the image overall brightness to follow to the desired curve.
![]() ![]() ![]() tr ", short for 'translate'). This raw data is then given to another utility program called "awk ", which is used to collect the actual histogram counts for each bin. So that we can look at the results, I also process the histogram counts into a gradient image (via the NetPBM, PGM text grayscale image file format, and display it as a line graph using the "im_profile " script. Essentially this is just a different way of generating a histogram image, though this time directly from a numerical data file. Now that we have the histogram data in a text file, we also need the histogram of the function we want the redistributed data to match. In this case, it is a Gaussian distribution with a mean value of 153 (60% gray) and sigma width of 60. Both values are in terms of the 256 range of the histogram 'bins'.
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DIY Level AdjustmentsMathematical Linear Histogram AdjustmentsThe various basic forms of Level Adjustments shown above linearly adjust the colors of the image. These changes can be applied mathematically as well. For example by multiplying the image with a specific color, we set all pure white areas to that color. So lets just read in our image, create an image containing the color we want, then multiply the original image with this color using the IM free-form "-fx " or DIY Operator.
By getting "-fx " to read the color from a second 'v ' image makes it easy to change the color, without needing to magick colors to RGB values for use in the mathematics. If you were using a fancy graphical image processing package like "Gimp " and "Photoshop " the above operation would have been applied to an image by adjusting the images color histogram graph 'curve'.
![]() gnuplot " generated graph (See the script "im_histogram ") of the mathematical formula showing what happens to just one of the three RGB channels. The original color (green line) is remapped to a darker color (red line) linearly. Linearly tinting the black colors is also quite simple. For example to linear map 'black ' to a gold like color 'rgb(204,153,51) ', (while leaving 'white ' as 'white '), would require a mathematical formula such as...
result = 1-(1-color)*(1-intensity)This formula negates the colors, multiples the image with the negated color wanted, and negates the image back again. The result is tinting of the black side of the gray scale, leaving white unchanged. A "gnuplot" histogram graph of the remapping formula is also displayed in the above for your reference. With a slightly more complicated formula you can linearly replace both the ' black ' and 'white ' end of the grayscale with specific colors.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() -size 1x2 gradient:color1-color2 " in the above is only used to generate a two color pixel image for the "-fx " formula to reference. The first color replaces white, while the second replaces black, while all others are interpolated between white and black. As is typical of a gray-scale operator, each RGB channel is treated as a separate gray scale channel, though the linear interpolation is different for each channel. This by the way is exactly equivalent to the Level Adjustments by Color operator "+level-colors "
Mathematical Non-linear Histogram AdjustmentsWhile linear color adjustments are important, and faster methods are available, there are many situations where a linear 'level' adjustment, is not what is wanted, and this is where the "-fx " DIY Operator, becomes more useful. Well an alternative formula for linear adjustment is "-fx 'v.p{0,1}+(v.p{0,0}-v.p{0,1})*u' ", which has the advantage that the 'u ' can be replaced by a single random function 'f(u) ' to produce non-linear color change. This lets you do more interesting things. For example what if in the last example you wanted to push all the colors toward the 'black ' side, resulting in the image being a more 'firebrick ' color.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() u^2 ' to tint the black end of the histogram to a '.25 ' blue color. Only the blue channel needs to be modified, so the value was inserted directly into the formula.
However while this produced a reasonable result it does darken the mid-tone grays slightly, producing a sickly off-yellow color. To avoid this a 'exponential' function can be used instead, to give better control of the tinting process.
Again the graph show how blue channel was modified to give black a distinctive dark blue tint. The second value ('4.9 ') is the falloff back to a linear '+u ' graph. The smaller this value is the slower the fall off, and the more linear the adjustment becomes. The larger the value, the more dramatic the 'fall-off'. The value may need to be adjusted for different color values, so this is not a good general formula for general black color tinting, but perfect for tinting weather maps. Generally if you can express the color adjustment you want mathematically, you can then use "-fx " operator to achieve the results you want.
'Curves' Adjustments![]() gnuplot ", "fudgit ", "mathematica ", and "matlab ", as well as many more mathematical software packages. The following is one method you can use to generate the formula from four control points using "gnuplot " which is a standard extra package you can install on most linux distributions, as well as windows.
![]() ![]() |
Note that the number of parameters ('a ' to 'd ' in above) needed for curve fitting, must equal the number of control points you provide. As such if you want five control points you need to include another 'e ' term to the function.If your histogram curve goes though the fixed control points 0,0 and 1,1 , you really only need two parameters as 'd ' will be equal to '0 ', and 'c ' will be equal to '1-a-b '. |
" generated image above, the function generated fits the control points perfectly. Also as it generated a "-fx" style formula it can be used as is as an IM argument.
For example...
![]() |
" to call "gnuplot
", and output a nicer looking polynomial equation of the given the control points. Gabe Schaffer, also provided a perl version (using a downloaded "Math::Polynomial
" library module) called "
" to do the same thing. Either script can be used. For example, here is a different curve with 5 control points...
However the FX function is very slow. But as of IM 6.4.8-9 you can now directly pass the discovered coefficients of the fitted polynomial expression directly into a Polynomial Function Method. You can generate the comma separated list of coefficients using "im_fx_curves
" with a special '-c
' option...
For example lets apply those curves to our test image...
![]() |
Tinting Images
Uniformly Color Tinting Images
Typically tinting an image is achieved by blending the image with a color by a certain amount. This can be done using an Evaluate Operator or Blend Images techniques, but these are not simple to use.Lucky for us a simpler method of bleeding an uniform color into an image is available by using the "-colorize
" image operator. This operator blends the current "-fill
" color, into all the images in the current image sequence. The alpha channel of the original image is preserved, with only the color channels being modified. For example lighten an image (gray scale or otherwise) we use "-colorize
" to blend some amount of white into the image, making it brighter without saturating the image completely.
Similarly we can use a 'black
' fill color to darken an image.
To gray both ends of the image toward the mid-tones, you would use a specific gray fill color. The color 'gray50
' is the exact middle color of the RGB color spectrum.
This is also often used as an method of 'de-contrast' such as what the Reverse Level Adjustment Operator provides, though with less control. The "-colorize
" operator also allows you to specify dissolve percentages for each of the three color channels separately. This is useful for linearly darkening (or lightening) an image in a special way.
![]() ![]() |
Before IM v6.7.9 the "-colorize " operator did not modify the alpha channel at all. From that version onwards, as you can see above, it now uniformly tints all pixels including fully transparent pixels. |
One common use of the "-colorize " operator is to simply replace all the colors in an existing image (tinting '100% '), but preserve the transparency (alpha) shape of the image, so as to produce a colored mask. However from IM v6.7.9 you will need to protect the alpha channel from this operator by disabling it, then re-enabling the alpha channel. (See Alpha On for more details). For example...
![]() |
Without this protection, colorize would have fully-blanked the canvas to the given color...
![]() |
-alpha opaque
" or "-alpha off
" operation in the above to ensure the resulting image is the completely blank image you expect. Note that you can blank canvases faster using Level Adjustments by Color operator with a single color, rather than a range of colors. See also Blank Canvases.
Midtone Color Tinting
While the Colorize operator applies the "-fill
" color to tint all the colors in an image linearly, the "-tint
" operator applies the "-fill
" color in such a way as to only tint the mid-tone colors of an image. The operator is a grayscale operator, and the color is moderated or enhanced by the percentage given (0 to 200). To limit its effects it is also adjusted using a mathematical formula so that it will not effect black and white. but have the greatest effect on mid-tone colors of each color channel.A "-tint 100
" essentially will tint a perfect gray color so that it becomes half the intensity of the fill color. A lower value will tint it to a darker color while a higher value will tint it so toward a perfect match of that color.
The green color in the test image is not a true RGB green, but a Scaled Vector Graphics 'green
', which is only half as bright as a true green color. As such it is also a mid-tone color, and thus is affected by the "-tint
" operator, becoming darker, unlike red and blue color spots of the test image. Also you can tint the individual color components, by using a comma separated list of percentages. For example "-tint 30,40,20,10
". This however can be tricky to use and may need some experimentation to get right. Better to specify the color you want for perfect 50% grays.
![]() ![]() |
![]() -tint " operator works by somehow taking the color and percentages given then then adjusting the individual colors in the image according to the "-fill " colors intensity, as per the following formula. (see graph right)f(x)=(1-(4.0*((x-0.5)*(x-0.5))))
Or lower level operators that you can use to DIY this sort of thing, see FX Operator, as well as Evaluate and Function Operators. |
", (See Shade Overlay Highlight Images), such as the examples in 3d Bullet Images. You can also use "-tint
" to brighten or darken the mid-tone colors of an image. This is sort of like a 'gamma adjustment' for images, though not exactly. For example using a tint value greater than 100 with a 'white
' color will brighten the mid-tones.
While a value less than 100 will darken colors.
![]() ![]() |
At this time, the a pure mid-tone gray color will not be mapped to the "-fill " color.The percentage argument is not a 'blend percentage' but really more a 'brightness percentage'. It will for example not work at all for a 'black' fill color. I do not know why it was designed this way or the history behind it. It does however make exact control of the final colors when tinting grayscale images, very awkward. Using Overlay Compostion Tinting below will provide a more exact (though very linear, rather than parabolic) color tinting of mid-tone grays. |
Sepia Tone Coloring
A special photographic recoloring technique, "-sepia-tone
" is basically consists to converting the image into a gray-scale, and coloring all the mid-tones to a special brown color.
![]() |
'. The most common use of this is to generate a Duotone Effect so as to generate 'old looking' photos (See wikipedia on Sepia Tone). For example, here I Tint a contrast enhanced gray-scale rose image, using various colors, to achieve similar sepia-tone like effects. Which color you should use on the exact effect you are looking for.
![[IM Output]](rose_grey.jpg)

![[IM Output]](sepia_goldenrod.jpg)
![[IM Output]](sepia_gold.jpg)
![[IM Output]](sepia_khaki.jpg)
![[IM Output]](sepia_wheat.jpg)
![]() |
Duotone Effect
A 'duotone' is a printing method where you mix the grayscale of an image (black ink) with some other color to produce a better result, with a limited budget or printing equipment. For example the reason all the old photos you see today have a sepia-tone look about them, is because sepia-tone inks survived and did not deteriorate, or fade with time. Other 'black and white' images formats faded into uselessness. See the Sepia Tone Operator above.Another duotone technique known as 'Cyanotype' (more commonly known as 'blue-prints') became widely used as method of making large scale copies of the original black and white architect drawings. Remember this tenchique was used long before the invention of lazers and from that photo-copying (and Xerox). For more information see the Wikipedia entry for Duotone, also Fake duotones vs Real duotones. The above Tint Operator however produces a reasonable facsimile of the duotone effect, just as it did for a sepia-tone like effect above.
![[IM Output]](rose_grey.jpg)

![[IM Output]](duotone_blue.jpg)
![[IM Output]](duotone_darkcyan.jpg)
![[IM Output]](duotone_goldenrod.jpg)
![[IM Output]](duotone_firebrick.jpg)
', 'Chocolate
', and 'LemonChiffon
' for the duotone. And yes the black-point color is typically left black, which is why it is usally called duo-tone.
magick -size 1x1 xc:Black xc:Chocolate xc:LemonChiffon \ +append duotone_clut.gif magick -size 20x256 gradient: -rotate 90 duotone_clut.gif \ -interpolate Bicubic -clut duotone_gradient.gif magick rose_grey.jpg duotone_clut.gif \ -interpolate Bicubic -clut rose_duotone.jpg |
![[IM Output]](duotone_clut.gif)

![[IM Output]](duotone_gradient.gif)
![[IM Output]](rose_grey.jpg)

![[IM Output]](duotone_clut.gif)

![[IM Output]](rose_duotone.jpg)
Color Tinting, DIY
One of the biggest problems with "-tint
" is that it is a grayscale (or vector) operator. That is, it handles each of the red,green,blue channels completely separately to each other. That in turn means that a primary and secondary color like 'blue
' or 'yellow
' are not affected by "-tint
", even though all the gray levels are. However thanks to various channel mathematical transforms such as the FX Operator and the faster Evaluate and Function Operators, you can generate your own color overlays to modify the image. That is, to Tint the image in a similar what that the Colorize Operator does. For example, here I magick an image's gray-scale brightness level into a semi-transparent overlay of the specific color wanted.
![]() |
' as the color is not treated as a vector addition, but an alpha composition. The result is not quite the same as what you would get for a normal tint.
Color Tinting Overlay
The special Alpha Composition methods 'Overlay
' and 'Hardlight
' were actually designed with color (and pattern) tinting in mind. These compose methods also will replace mid-tone grays leaving black and white highlights in the image alone.
For example, here I quickly generate a colored overlay image, and compose it to tint the original image.
![]() |
![]() |
' is much more linear form of tinting than the quadratic function used above, and like "-tint
" is applied to each channel of the image separately such that primary and secondary colors are also left unchanged. Also no adjustment control is provided by this alpha composition method, so if you want to control the level of tinting, you will need to adjust the overlay image transparency before applying the tint. Of course unlike the other tinting methods I have shown so far, you are not limited to tinting a simple color, but can apply a tint using an image, or tile pattern.
![]() |
![]() ![]() |
The alpha composition method 'HardLight ' will produce the same results as 'Overlay ' but with the source and destination images swapped.This could have been used instead of the " +swap " in the last few examples. |
Global Color Modifiers
Modulate Brightness, Saturation, and Hue
The "-modulate
" operator is special in that it modifies an image in the special HSL (hue-saturation-lightness) colorspace. It converts each color pixel in into this color space and modifies it and converts it back to its original color space. It takes three values (though later values are optional) as a percentage such that 100 will make no change to an image. For example..
![]() |
magick rose: -modulate 0 mod_bright_0.gif magick rose: -modulate 50 mod_bright_50.gif magick rose: -modulate 80 mod_bright_80.gif magick rose: -modulate 100 mod_bright_100.gif magick rose: -modulate 150 mod_bright_150.gif magick rose: -modulate 200 mod_bright_200.gif |
![[IM Output]](mod_bright_0.gif)
![[IM Output]](mod_bright_50.gif)
![[IM Output]](mod_bright_80.gif)
![[IM Output]](mod_bright_100.gif)
![[IM Output]](mod_bright_150.gif)
![[IM Output]](mod_bright_200.gif)
' will produce a pure black image, you cannot produce a pure white image using this operator on its own. The second value saturation is also a multiplier adjusting the overall amount of color that is present in the image.
magick rose: -modulate 100,0 mod_sat_0.gif magick rose: -modulate 100,20 mod_sat_20.gif magick rose: -modulate 100,70 mod_sat_70.gif magick rose: -modulate 100,100 mod_sat_100.gif magick rose: -modulate 100,150 mod_sat_150.gif magick rose: -modulate 100,200 mod_sat_200.gif |
![[IM Output]](mod_sat_0.gif)
![[IM Output]](mod_sat_20.gif)
![[IM Output]](mod_sat_70.gif)
![[IM Output]](mod_sat_100.gif)
![[IM Output]](mod_sat_150.gif)
![[IM Output]](mod_sat_200.gif)
' will produce a grayscale image, as was also shown in Converting Color to Gray-Scale above. The gray however mixes all three color channels equally, as defined by the HSL colorspace, as such does not produce a true 'intensity' grayscale. Essentially small values produce more 'pastel' colors, while values larger than '100
' will produce more cartoon-like colorful images. Note that as the brightness and saturation are percentage multipliers, you would need to multiply by a very large number to change almost all the image color values to near maximum. That is, you would need to use a brightness factor of close to one million, to make all colors except pure black, white.
Hue Modulation
The final value, Hue, is actually much more useful. It rotates the colors of the image, in a cyclic manner. To achieve this the Hue value given produces a 'modulus addition', rather than a multiplication. However be warned that the hue is rotated using a percentage, and not by an angle. This may seem weird but "-modulate
" has always been that way. Conversion formulas between angle and the modulate argument is...
hue_angle = ( modulate_arg - 100 ) * 180/100
modulate_arg = ( hue_angle * 100/180 ) + 100
' (for all three arguments) produces no change. While a value of '0
' or '200
' will effectivally negate the colors in the image (but not the intensity). For example...
magick rose: -modulate 100,100,0 mod_hue_0.gif magick rose: -modulate 100,100,33.3 mod_hue_33.gif magick rose: -modulate 100,100,66.6 mod_hue_66.gif magick rose: -modulate 100,100,100 mod_hue_100.gif magick rose: -modulate 100,100,133.3 mod_hue_133.gif magick rose: -modulate 100,100,166.6 mod_hue_166.gif magick rose: -modulate 100,100,200 mod_hue_200.gif |
![]() 0 (red <-> cyan) |
![]() 33.3 (red -> blue) |
![]() 66.6 |
![]() 100% no-op |
![]() 133.3 |
![]() 166.6 (red -> green) |
![]() 200 (same as 0) |
' produces a negative, or counter-clockwise rotation of all the colors by approximately 60 degrees, effectively mapping the red to blue, blue to green, and green to red. Using values of '0
' or '200
' produces a complete 180 degree negation of the colors, without negating the brightness of the image. Note that hues are cyclic, as such using a value of '300
' will produce a 360 degree color rotation, and result in no change to the image. For examples of using 'Hue Modulation' to modify colors in images see, Chroma Key Masking and Pins in a Map.These types of operations and more can also be applied using advanced Color Space techniques, such as using in Recolor Matrix Operator (below), but for basic 'modulation' of an image, this operator greatly simplifies things. For primary color swapping, either Recolor Matrix Operator, or channel swapping (see Separate/Combine Operators), is probably more accurate technique. Though it is much less versatile. See also Hald Color Lookup Tables for a method by which you can save color change variations, especially changes in Hue, for later reuse.
Modulate DIY
You can if really want to "Do It Yourself". You basically magick the image into the appropriate color space, modify the values, and magick back. Remember that in HSL Color Space, the Green channel holds the Saturation value, and the Blue channel holds the Luminance value. For example, here is the equivalent to a "-modulate 80,120
" (darken slightly, increase color saturation), using the default HSL colorspace...
magick rose: -colorspace HSL \ -channel B -evaluate multiply 0.80 \ -channel G -evaluate multiply 1.20 \ +channel -colorspace sRGB modulate_channel.png |
![[IM Output]](../images/rose.png)

![[IM Output]](modulate_channel.png)
Modulate in Other Colorspaces
The biggest problem with "-modulate
" is when handing images containing a lot of 'near white' colors. As it does its work in HSL colorspace, colors that are off-white will become more 'saturated' as the brightness is reduced. You can see this in the white leaf of the rose image above, which shows lots of color artifacts at a 50% darkening. This is especially a problem when dealing with JPEG image formats, as it tends to generate off-white colors (actually all colors are generally slightly off in JPEG) due to its lossy compression algorithm. For example...
The problem here is that in HSL all the off white colors were packed into a small 'white point' area of the color space used (a double cone). When brightness is then reduced the off-white colors get expanded as the cone of color expands, causing the off white color to generate a more colorful (saturated) set of off-white colors. That is, small variations in color are exaggerated. The solution to this is to "-modulate
" in the HSB colorspace, instead of HSL colorspace.
![]() ![]() |
The 'B' in HSB, means Brigthness, but is also commonally known as HSV, with using 'V' meaning Value. They are the same colorspace, but 'V' is a confusing term, as a value normally means 'a stored number'. There is also a HSI colorspace, (using 'I' of Intensity) but it is uncommon, and not needed due to the addition of the HCL (where 'L' means Luminance) cyclic colorspace (see below). |
' with one of the 'Hue' color spaces.
![]() |
magick rose: -modulate 150 mod_bright_HSL.gif magick rose: -define modulate:colorspace=HSB \ -modulate 150 mod_bright_HSB.gif |
![]() HSL |
![]() HSB |
![]() ![]() |
Before IM v6.4.0-10 the "-modulate " operator actually did use HSB color space rather than HSL colorspace. This was changed because of a bug report by an user about the above situation.The point is for some images you are damned if you use HSL, and for other images you are damned if you use HSB colorspace. It just depends on what you are attempting to do! |
Modulate in LCHab and other Colorspaces
Hue modulation (in HSL or HSB colorpsace) is actually regarded as rather crude. These colorspaces do not take into account a more realistic intensity of the colors. As such rotating between the hues 'blue' and 'yellow' will also generate very large brightness shifts. See Wikipedia: Disadvantages to HSL Colorspace.One alternative is to do a Luminance preserving rotation as described on the Grafica Obscura in the "Matrix Operations" Paper. This is complex as the color modifications are being done as part of the operation, as a single calculated matrix operation that is different depending on how much of a rotation is required.As of IM v6.8.4-7 the Modulate Operator can also handle the special colorspaces 'LCHab
' and 'LCHuv
' which are Cylindrical (Hue-Chroma) forms the the respective 'Luv
' and 'Lab
' colorspaces. see Wikipedia, Cylindrical LUV, or LCHuv colorspace and The HCL Colorspace for more information.
![]() ![]() |
The equivelent channels of 'LCHab ' and 'LCHuv ' colorspaces are reverse to those of the 'HCL ' and 'HCB ' colorspaces. That is the 'grayscale' intensity equivelent is in the first ('red') channel and Hue is in the third ('Blue') channel of the image. |
' colorspace. Compare these with the previous set for the 'HSL
' colorspace above.
![]() 0% & 200% |
![]() 25% (red->blue) |
![]() 50% |
![]() 75% |
![]() 100% no-op |
![]() 125% |
![]() 150% |
![]() 175% |
' verses the normal 'HSL
' colorspace (using appropriate rotation percentages).
Note how the blue is nowhere near as dark, but is a shade that better matches the shade of the original image. For more information on HCL colorspace hues, see the examples on The LCH Color Wheel.
![]() ![]() |
Before IM v6.8.4-7 you would have used the colorspace 'HCL ' (introduced IM v6.7.9-1). This colorspace is exacty the same as 'LCHuv ' but with the channel order reversed (Hue stored in Red channel of the image, it was just teh way that colorspace is defined). This meant you had to also swap the various channels around to allow the Modulate Operator to work correctly.The ' LCHab ' and 'LCHuv ' colorspaces order the channels in the same way as 'HSL ', so as to allow modulate to work properly, and directly on the colorsapce without requiring channel re-ordering. |
![]() ![]() |
Note that for very dark colors the 'LCHuv ' can generate color values with discontinuities. This however should not happen for real images, only images generated directly in the cylindrical space. |
Color Matrix Operator
The "-color-matrix
" operator will recolor images using a matrix technique. That is, to say you give it a matrix of values which represents how to linearly mix the various color channel values of an image to produce new color values. Typical usage is to provide the operator with 9 values, which form three functions (rows) or three multipliers (columns). As such the first three numbers is the color formula for the red' channel. The next for 'green' and so on For example...
![]() |
red' |
= 1 * red + 0 * green + 0 * blue |
green' |
= 0 * red + 1 * green + 0 * blue |
blue' |
= 0 * red + 0 * green + 1 * blue |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
You can use a larger matrix of up to a set of 6 rows and columns. These correspond to the channels: '
', 'Green
', 'Blue
', 'Black
' (if set), 'Alpha
' (if set), and a constant. Note the channels: 'Black
' and 'Alpha
'; must still be provided if the matrix is that large, even though the value itself may not be present or used. The last constant column is just a simple addition (or subtraction if negative) to the formula. The 6th row (if given) is simply ignored, and not used. By default the 'matrix' definition follows the same structure as a User Defined Morphology/Convolution Kernel and is treated as being a 'square' kernel if no size geometry is specified. The offset of the kernel is currently not used. The given 'array of values' is then overlaid on a larger '6x6 identity matrix' (a diagonal of 1's) before being applied to the image. This internal handling means that you can actually simply the matrixvalue by only a few row of numbers, rather than all of them. This is especially useful when you need to include the 'constant' in the color calculations, or only want to modify one channel. For example invert (negate) the image.
![]() |
![]() |
![]() ![]() |
Before IM v6.6.1-0, "-color-matrix " was named "-recolor . |
Color Matrix Examples
Sepia Color, or at least a linear form of that operation
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Such as described on the Grafica Obscura web page.
For more information on using a color matrix see...
- Color Matrix Filter Adobe Flash Tutorial
- Color Transformations and the Color Matrix
- ColorMatrix Unleased
- Grafica Obscura - Matrix Operations for Image Processing
- SWF Color Matrix Filter (for hue rotate with luminance preservation)
Solarize Coloring
To "-solarize
" an image is to basically 'burn' the brightest colors black. The brighter the color, the darker the solarized color is. This happens in photography when chemical film is over exposed.
![]() |
' you basically have a poor man's Negate Operator. For example, here is a faked "-solarize
" using a "-fx
" mathematical formula.
![]() |
magick -size 10x300 gradient: -rotate 90 \ -sigmoidal-contrast 50x70% fuzzy_thres.png magick fuzzy_thres.png -solarize 50% fuzzy_spike.png magick fuzzy_spike.png -level 0,50% filament.png |
![[IM Output]](fuzzy_thres_pf.gif)

![[IM Output]](fuzzy_spike_pf.gif)

![[IM Output]](filament_pf.gif)
" in the IM Examples, Scripts directory. Note how anything that is white becomes black, while the mid-tone grays around the central spike are preserved. The fuzziness and placement of the spike is determined by the "-sigmoidal-contrast
" operator. I call it a 'filament' as typically the result looks remarkably like glowing electrical filaments, or lightning discharges. See Random Flux for another example of this effect. This extraction of mid-tone grays is also put to good use in techniques for generating Edge Outlines from Bitmap Shapes, and for the multiplication of two biased gradients. Another novel use of this operation is in determining if an image is basically a pure black and white sketch or drawing (such as from a book), rather than a shaded gray-scale or color images, See Determining if an image is: Pure Black and White, or Gray-scale
Recoloring Images with Lookup Tables
While you can recolor images using the various histogram color adjustments as shown above, there is another technique for recoloring images, simply by 'looking up' the modified values from a pre-prepared color gradient, or "Color Look Up Tables" (Color LUT, or CLUT). There are two types of Color LUT's: simple one dimensional or 'per-channel' LUT's and 3d color LUT's. A channel LUT has three independent look-up tables: one each for the R G and B channels. Each entry in the channel LUT maps an input channel value to an output channel value. The red channel of the output image is only effected by the original red value of the input image. A 3D color LUT however allow the whole color to be replaces as a function of the whole input color. That is, the output value of the red channel can be dependent on any or all of the input red, green, and blue values. This is sometimes called channel cross-talk.Color (Channel) Lookup Tables
A common requirement of an image processing tool is the ability to replace the whole range of colors, from a pre-prepared table of colors. This allows you to magick images of one set of colors (generally gray-scale) into completely different set of colors, just by looking up its replacement color from a special image. Of course you do need a 'Look Up Table' image from which to read the replacement colors. For these first few examples, I choose to use a vertical gradient of colors for the LUT so that the IM "gradient:
" generator can be used to simplify the generation of the 'color lookup table'. Well so much for the theory. Let try it out by recoloring a simple gray-Scale Plasma image, replacing the grayscale with a dark-blue to off-white gradient of colors.
![[IM Output]](gray_image.jpg)

![[IM Output]](gradient_ice-sea.png)

![[IM Output]](gray_recolored.jpg)
" operator takes two images. The first is the image to replace color values in, the second is a gradient image that is either a single row, or a single column.
![]() ![]() |
The "-clut " operator was added to IM v6.3.5-8. |
" operator or you want to do something out of the ordinary, such as a 2 dimensional color lookup table, then you can roll your own using the General DIY Operator, FX. For example, here is a slow, but equivalent command to the above.
![]() |
" operator is very slow, and has to be designed specifically for either a row or column LUT. But it does work. The LUT does not have to be very large. For example, here we use a very small LUT, with a very limited number of colors.
magick -size 1x6 gradient:navy-snow gradient_levels.png magick gray_image.jpg gradient_levels.png -clut gray_levels.jpg |
![[IM Output]](gray_image.jpg)

![[IM Output]](gradient_levels_mag.png)

![[IM Output]](gray_levels.jpg)
' setting that just links each colored pixel together with linear line segments. Different "-interpolate
" settings generate different levels of smoothing of the colors when using a very small color LUT. Here for example I show a various type of interpolated smoothing of the LUT colors.
magick gray_image.jpg gradient_levels.png \ -interpolate Integer -clut gray_levels_integer.jpg magick gray_image.jpg gradient_levels.png \ -interpolate NearestNeighbor -clut gray_levels_nearest.jpg magick gray_image.jpg gradient_levels.png \ -interpolate Average -clut gray_levels_average.jpg magick gray_image.jpg gradient_levels.png \ -interpolate Blend -clut gray_levels_blend.jpg magick gray_image.jpg gradient_levels.png \ -interpolate BiLinear -clut gray_levels_bilinear.jpg magick gray_image.jpg gradient_levels.png \ -interpolate Catrom -clut gray_levels_catrom.jpg magick gray_image.jpg gradient_levels.png \ -interpolate Spline -clut gray_levels_spline.jpg |
![]() Integer |
![]() Nearest |
![]() Average |
![]() Blend |
![]() BiLinear |
![]() Catrom |
![]() Spline |
' and 'Nearest
' settings are special in that they do no smoothing colors at all. That is, no new 'mixed colors' will be added, only the exact color values present will be used used to color a grayscale image. However note how the lookup of the colors differ between the two. It is a subtle difference but can be very important. The 'Average
' setting on the other hand also generated bands of color but only using a mix of the colors, resulting in one less color than the size of the color lookup table image. 'Blend
' however mixes 'Average
' and 'Nearest
' together, to add more pixels. This type of color 'banding' (or Blocking Artefacts) is actually rather common for geographic maps, and temperature graphs, as it gives a better representation of the exact shape of the map. The sharp boundary edges are known as iso-lines. Adding a slight one pixel Blur to the final image can improve the look of those edges, making it look a little smoother, without destroying the color banding. The 'BiLinear
' setting will also generate banding but only in the form of sharp gradient changes, when the colors change sharply (not in this example). While 'Catrom
' will smooth out the color changes. Finally 'Spline
' will blur the colors, and may not generate any of the colors in the given CLUT. To avoid interpolation problems, or better define the color gradients, the best idea is to use much longer LUT. Ideally this should cover the full range of possible intensity values. For ImageMagick Q16 (compiled with 16 bit quality) that requires a LUT to have a height of 65536 pixels. But Pixel Interpolation allows you to use a more reasonable LUT gradient image of 500 pixels suitable for most image re-coloring tasks. Note that the vertical gradient LUT used in the above examples appears upside-down to our eyes, as the black or '0
' index is at the top of the image. Normally we humans prefer to see gradients with the black level at the bottom (thanks to our evolutionary past). If you rather save the gradient image the 'right way up' you can "-flip
" the image as you reading it in. For example lets try a more complex LUT, flipping the vertical gradient before using it on the image.
magick -size 1x33 gradient:wheat-brown gradient:Brown-LawnGreen \ gradient:DodgerBlue-Navy -append gradient_planet.png magick gray_image.jpg \ \( gradient_planet.png -flip \) -clut gray_planet.jpg |
![[IM Output]](gray_image.jpg)

![[IM Output]](gradient_planet.png)

![[IM Output]](gray_planet.jpg)
Function to Color LUT Conversion
These pre-prepared "Lookup Table Images" (or LUTs) can also be used to greatly increase the speed of very complex and thus slow "-fx
" operations, so instead of IM interpreting the functional string 3 or 4 times per pixel, it can do a much faster lookup of the replacement color. The procedure for doing this is quite straight forward, either apply the function to an unmodified linear gradient, or replace the 'u
' in the function with the value '(i/w)
' or '(j/h)
' to calculate the replace value based on its position. For example, in the advanced 'Aqua' Effects example, I used a complex "-fx
" function to adjust the gray-scale output of the Shade operator". Also as this gray-scale adjustment is also overlaid onto a 'DodgerBlue' shape, there is no reason why the results of both of these operators could not be combined into a single gradient lookup table. That is, we generate a LUT from the "-fx
" formula and the color overlay. Also for these examples I decided to generate a single row of pixels rather than a column as I did previously.
magick -size 1x512 gradient: -rotate 90 -alpha off \ -fx '3.5u^3 - 5.05u^2 + 2.05u + 0.3' \ -size 512x1 xc:DodgerBlue -compose Overlay -composite \ aqua_gradient.png |
![[IM Output]](aqua_gradient.png)
![]() ![]() |
The polynomial "-fx " in the above can now be generated more directly and faster using a Polynomial Function. For example
"-function Polynomial 3.5,-5.05,2.05,0.3" |
magick -font Candice -pointsize 72 -background None label:A \ -trim +repage aqua_mask.png magick aqua_mask.png -alpha Extract -blur 0x6 -shade 120x21 \ -alpha On -normalize aqua_shade.png magick aqua_shade.png aqua_gradient.png -clut aqua_font.png |
![[IM Output]](aqua_mask.png)

![[IM Output]](aqua_shade.png)

![[IM Output]](aqua_font.png)
WARNING: the above is incomplete (edges have not been darkened)
CLUT and Transparency Handling
The "-clut
" operator is controlled by the "-channel
" setting, but in reality, it only replaces the individual channel values within the image. That means that normally each individual channel of the source image is used to 'lookup' the replacement value for just that channel from the color lookup table. That includes the alpha channel which is usually very inconvenient, and difficult to apply. Typically the "-clut
" operator is used to either colorize a gray-scale source image, (see previous examples), OR it is used to do a histogram adjustment of a color image using a gray-scale CLUT (Color Lookup Table). In other words, usually one of the images will typically be gray-scale. As of IM v6.4.9-8, if a "-channel
" setting specifies that if you are wanting to replace/adjust the alpha channel of an image (an 'A
' is present), and either the 'source' image or 'CLUT' image has no alpha channel defined, then IM will assume that that image is gray-scale, and will act accordingly. For example, here I generate a simple blurred triangle, as a grey-scale image. I can then color using a Color Lookup Table that includes transparency. I did not flip the CLUT image this time, so the black replacement will be at the top and white replacement at the bottom.
magick -size 100x100 xc: -draw 'polygon 50,10 10,80 90,80' \ -blur 0x10 blurred_shape.jpg magick -size 1x5 xc:none \ -draw 'fill red point 0,2' \ -draw 'fill yellow rectangle 0,0 0,1' gradient_border.png magick blurred_shape.jpg -alpha off gradient_border.png \ -channel RGBA -interpolate integer -clut clut_shape.png |
![[IM Output]](blurred_shape.jpg)

![[IM Output]](gradient_border.png)

![[IM Output]](clut_shape.png)
-alpha off
" or "-alpha off
"), and you specify that you also want to lookup alpha channel values (using "-channel RGBA
"). And here is the other special case where were have an image with transparency (and alpha channel) that needs to be adjusted using a gray-scale histogram adjustment gradient (with no alpha channel enabled).
magick -size 100x100 xc:none -draw 'polygon 50,10 10,80 90,80' \ tile_disks.jpg -compose In -composite shape_triangle.gif magick shape_triangle.gif -channel A -blur 0x10 +channel shape_blurred.png magick -size 1x50 gradient: xc:black -append -flip \ -sigmoidal-contrast 6x0% feather_histogram.jpg magick shape_blurred.png \( feather_histogram.jpg -alpha off \) \ -channel A -clut shape_feathered.png |
![[IM Output]](shape_triangle.gif)

![[IM Output]](shape_blurred.png)

![[IM Output]](feather_histogram.jpg)

![[IM Output]](shape_feathered.png)
" operation making the fully-transparent areas surrounding the triangle visible. As fully-transparent has an undefined color, IM defaults to black. The CLUT image itself was designed to ensure that any pixel that was less than 50% transparent will be turned fully-transparent, effectively making the previously fully transparent parts of the image, transparent again. For this example I over-do the initial 'blur', then over-correct the alpha channel adjustment. The result is a sever rounding of the points of the triangle. For normal image feathering would typically use much smaller values for both the "-blur
" and the "-sigmoidal-contrast
" alpha adjustment. Fred Weinhaus, has implemented a blurred feathering technique in his "feather" script, to make it easier to use.
Hald 3D Color Lookup Tables
As of IM v6.5.3-4 you can now also use a full 3D Color Lookup Table which can be used to directly replace all the colors of multiple images. That is, instead of just looking up the value of each each color channel as a separate entity (as in the CLUT above), the whole color is used to lookup the new color. However a 3D color tables usually require special file formats to correct store the 3D array of color values. However by using a special arrangement of color values the 3D table can be stored into a 2D image known as a Hald Color LUT. This is just a normal image and as such ANY good image file format can be used to save a Hald 3D Color LUT. For more details and examples of HALD Images, see the official website Hald Images, Clut Technology. To generate a Hald 3D color table, use the 'HALD:{level}
' image generator. For example, here is a small one that I have enlarged so you can see the individual pixels...
The table holds a color cube with a side of '{level}2
' colors or 9 colors. The full color cube contains '9 × 9 × 9
' colors, giving a total of 729 colors, which is stored in an image of that numbers square root, or 27x27 pixels. The colors are stored so the first 9 colors (in the top-left corner) forms a gradient going from 'pure-black' to 'pure-red'. Every 9th color then forms a gradient in 'green', and every 81st color will form a gradient of 'blue'. The last color in the bottom-right corner is 'pure-white'. You can think of the image as an even simpler 1D array of pixels that are referenced as a 3D color cube, if it helps you to imagine it. Now this is only a small HALD CLUT image. More typically you would use at least a level 8 Hald (the default), which will hold a color cube with 64 colors per side, or 64^3 = 262144 colors, and produce an image that is 512x512 pixels in size. and saves into into an approximate 10Kbyte PNG image. This is not all 8 bit colors but is quite good. For a HALD image with every 8 bits color, you would need a level 16 version, producing a 4096x4096 image. Whcih just does to prove that even normal digital camera images generally can not hold every posible 8 bit color. However a smaller Hald image can be used, as IM will interpolate the neighbouring 8 colors from the Hald to work out the final color for the lookup replacement. It will simply not be as good a representation as a larger version. Hald images larger than 8 are not recommended, and would require very large images, of at least 16 bits per value depth to hold it.Now these generated hald images are the 'identity' or 'no-op' CLUT images. That is, they are the normal colors values forming the 3D color cube, and as such will produce no change the image. For example lets apply a 'no-op' Hald image, using the "-hald-clut
" operator...
This image is exactly the same as the original, and the Hald image contained no changes. However by modifying the Hald image, either by hand, or using a color modification, then you can substitute the original colors for the modified colors. For example, here I create a blended-sepia-tone color scheme...
magick hald_3.png \( +clone -sepia-tone 60% \) -evaluate-sequence mean hald_sepia.png magick rose.png hald_sepia.png -hald-clut rose_hald_sepia.png |
![[IM Output]](../images/rose.png)

![[IM Output]](hald_sepia.png)

![[IM Output]](rose_hald_sepia.png)
" or "Photoshop
", or if saved in a Enumerated Pixel Text Image use a plain text editor! All this is especially the case for very complex color modifications Please mail me any Hald CLUT images you have found interesting or useful, and I will example them here. You will be credited, here as well!
Hald CLUT Limitations
Unlike the simpler 1 Dimensional gradient lookup using the CLUT Operator you can use a Hald CLUT to rotate colors. For example swap red and blue colors. It is a much more versatile CLUT method. However it is not as good for doing simpler things like coloring a gray-scale image, or doing a histogram adjustment of color values. It can also replace colors with transparent, or semi-transparent values, by saving such replacement colors in the Hald CLUT image. However this replacement lookup is by color only. You cannot use it to replace transparent colors in specific ways. It isn't after all a 4D color lookup hyper-cube!Color Replacement using Hald CLUT
Now as the whole color value is used to lookup the color replacement, you could also use this as a method of directly replacing all the colors in an image with some other color. However as IM currently does a linear interpolated lookup of the Hald, you will need to set the replacement color in all 8 neighbouring color cells of the 3D color cube.

Full Color Map Replacement
FUTURE: Replace all the colors in one color map with colors in another color map. Suggestions as to how to best do this is welcome, or programmers to implement some image color map function. One method may be to use ideas presented in Dithering with Symbols. The best known solution (but hardly ideal) is currently provided by Fred Weinhaus in is "mapcolors
" script. This script essentially maps each color one at a time, masking the pixels involved from one image into a new initially blank image. Another idea is to somehow map a 3 dimentional color replacement into a HALD Color Table. This will not just map the specified colors, but also re-map the colors between the specified colors in a logical way. HALD generator wanted.

More color options yet to be looked at in detail... -contrast -brightness-contrast Color Cycling? -cycle shift colormap (for animations of fractals???) Chromaticity Color Points??? –white-point x,y –red-primary x,y –green-primary x,y –blue-primary x,y Thresholds (after negation) Specifically -white-threshold and -black-threshold